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Advent Confession and Assurance (2) using “O Come, O come Immanuel”

Each stanza of the hymn below should be sung by the choir or a soloist or small group

The bold portions will be said by the congregation, and everyone will sing the refrain after the assurance.

It may be helpful and/or aesthetically pleasing to keep a low “E” pedal point playing all through the prayer


            The prophets have given us words of comfort: that the Lamb of God comes with pardon.

            In our baptism, we share in the Savior’s resurrection.

            So we can come before God with the regrets and longings of our hearts and all creation,

                        knowing that we can confess our sins and lay our burdens at God’s feet

                          and then go forth free and forgiven.

            In that sure and certain hope, let us pray.


Stanza one of "O come, O come, Emmanuel" set to Veni Emmanuel

Lord our God,

      all creation groans in expectation,

                  longing for the redemption of your coming Reign.

Stanza two of "O come, O come, Emmanuel" set to Veni Emmanuel

       Lord our God,

              we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart and mind and strength,

                   but too often take whichever path offers least resistance.

Stanza seven of "O come, O come, Emmanuel" set to Veni Emmanuel

Lord our God,

      we confess that we have not always loved our neighbors nor ourselves,

      but have lived and worked in ways

that divide nation against nation, race against race.


Lord our God,

      we confess our often half-hearted faith,

too quick to give in to temptation,

bound to sin and unable to save ourselves.

Stanza six of "O come, O come, Emmanuel" set to Veni Emmanuel

Lord our God,

we confess that our worship is too often marked by selfishness,

our witness too often clouded by fear;

we turn away from the brightness of your glory.

Stanza three of "O come, O come, Emmanuel" set to Veni Emmanuel

Silence             The pedal point stops

Ever-faithful, ever-gracious God,

            forgive our sins and write your Law in our hearts.

As we look forward in hope to the Savior’s promised coming,

            prepare our lives to receive him in joy and gratitude,

                        that we may live with him in your love forever.


Assurance of Pardon

Hear these words that we may trust from the prophet Jeremiah:

The days are surely coming, says the Lord,

when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

                In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David,

who shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.

In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety.

And this is the name by which it will be called:

"The Lord is our righteousness."  Jeremiah 33:14-16

            People of God, Jesus Christ is our righteousness.

            As Christ comes into our world, all creation is renewed and sings for joy!

Refrain to "O come, O come, Emmanuel" set to Veni Emmanuel


This page was last edited on November 08, 2010
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